Historian Lalit Sharma’s new book..
“Temple of Hadoti
( Congratulations on being published )
Jhalawad district’s renowned historian Maharana Kumbha awardee Lalit Sharma’s new book, Hadoti’s temple is no less than any research work. Working hard, studying authentic texts and visiting the own place to 40 temples information has been included. This is the first book which provides information about major temples of Kota, Baran, Bundi and Jhalawad in four districts of Hadoti at one place. The important thing is that the statues of these temples that are in various museums have also provided information-filled art and craftsmanship which will be very useful in the overall study of that monument. There are 113 photos in the book.
** The architecture, style and sculpture of temples has been taken full attention. There are some chapters which can be easily understood the different parts of temples and the situation of idols by reading.
**Hadauti failed to publish its available heritage despite being rich from Pura Sampada. History writing was also written under the protection of dynasty, this region got neglected. Once been a part of Malwa and in the afterlife, living under the dominance of various Rajput dynasty is currently the far southern east end of Rajasthan.
Hadauti remained a border area under various Rajput dynasty from prehistoric period to Nagavansh, Prathihar, Parmar, Sur, Mughal descendants. These priceless heritages were discovered by some enthusiastic British explorers with the establishment of the Department of Archaeology in the late nineteenth century but lacked discrimination of their historical, archaeological and artistic aspects. Which used to disturb their serious leaders and curious ones.
** Undoubtedly historian and serious leader Lalit Sharma, Jhalawad’s recently published book Hadoti’s temple is commendable and commendable effort in this direction. In the book, the writer has detailed the history of temples, crafts, art aspects etc. in the simple words of the public in intellectual language, style.
** Notable that some time former author and history study Dr. Prabhat Kumar Singhal and former superintendent Archatva Umrao Singh’s Pura Vaibhav is also an important book of this series.
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Singhal, Kota

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